
Welcome and thank you for visiting my online portfolio for ENGLCOM. In this site, you will see an online portfolio of different types of essays naming: two Reflective essays, a Process Essay, a Static-Descriptive Essay, a Comparison and Contrast Essay, a Cause and Effect Essay, a Definition Essay, and an Argumentative Essay, done during my second term here in De La Salle University- Manila.

Writing is a very important aspect of people’s lives since this is one form of communicating with other people. It does not only enable you to communicate with other people that are far away but also enables you to express your thoughts and emotions through pen and paper. When you practice writing through writing activities, this drastically improves your English writing skills for the reason that I believe in a saying that says, “Practice makes perfect”.

I hope that you will enjoy what I have prepared for you. :)

~Respectively yours, englcomC39tamura <3

Thursday, December 17, 2009

“Love: The Most Wonderful Emotion”

Love is always misinterpreted as lust- a desire to love someone only because of their physical attributes and features. However, in technical terms, love is defined as any of a number of motions related to a sense of strong affection. Love is the most wonderful emotion for it can create miracles; it’s a strong emotion capable of lighting up someone’s hopes and dreams with the one they love.

Love is universal and there are a lot of ways on how to express love for a certain person. According to Chapman (n.d.), here are five general love languages expressed by most people: acts of service, giving gifts, words of appreciation, quality time and physical touch. These love languages are expressed by every individual and some of these languages are dominant from the other depending on the person. People want to show their affection by sacrificing their goals or benefits just to lift up or make another person happy. Others give gifts such as flowers, cards and chocolates, simple tokens of appreciation and admiration for the one they love. Other people prefer to verbally say that they love someone to let others know how much they love him or her, while others give caring gestures and actions. They touch the hand of the person they love or hug them when they feel down. People also give their undivided attention and quality time to the person they love: a mere gesture of just being there for them shows how much you love them.

Some people perceive love as a mere emotion of happiness and that it is your duty to love a person for they command you to. Love is not an obligation. It is perceived to be like a free flying bird travelling to different places. It is not an obligation to love a person; but for me, it is a privilege and an honor to care for that person for you adore and admire him or her. Some people make their loved ones change their attitude or physical appearances that they do not like in a partner. Some even leave their loved ones after discovering that their loved ones have a dark past. This is not love for love is not judgmental. Love means that you fully accept that person for who he or she really is because love is unconditional. Others also force themselves to love a person because they are pressured by the community. Since all their friends are having relationships, they also tend to find someone to love for themselves. Love is not a trend because it just comes to you when it really is for you. It may be now or later in the future. However, one this is for sure; it comes when you least expect it to come.

We all believe that love is present among a group of friends, loving couples such as boyfriend-girlfriend relationships and married couples, as well as among the member of the family. Each of these types is different in depth and we tend to act differently for each type. The most important and deepest among these three types is the love between couple- romantic love. Each individual will feel very happy and content with the one they love when they give out love and receive love in return. The love between friends and members of the family is another wonderful relationship to experience since we are always there for them and vice versa.
Love can make the impossible possible since it is capable of making a person live up the fullest of their dreams. Love is the most rewarding and strongest emotion for it can make or break a person. Remember that everything happens for a reason and God has a perfect time for love in your life. It will just come when you least expect that you need it the most.

Reference List:
Chapman, G.(n.d.).Five Love Languages.(n.d).Retrieved on December 02, 2009 from

1 comment:

  1. This Definition Essay lets me describe a very important and influential word called “Love”. I found it hard to compose this kind of essay, since this essay is quite similar to the Static-Descriptive Essay wherein you have to elaborate and define the topic to a very specific level. I lack the proper sources to efficiently explain my term; however I am satisfied with the overall quality of my work. Even though I am satisfied with my work, there is always room for improvement that is why I thought that I could have explained my term to a deeper context and cited more sources to support my explanation.
