
Welcome and thank you for visiting my online portfolio for ENGLCOM. In this site, you will see an online portfolio of different types of essays naming: two Reflective essays, a Process Essay, a Static-Descriptive Essay, a Comparison and Contrast Essay, a Cause and Effect Essay, a Definition Essay, and an Argumentative Essay, done during my second term here in De La Salle University- Manila.

Writing is a very important aspect of people’s lives since this is one form of communicating with other people. It does not only enable you to communicate with other people that are far away but also enables you to express your thoughts and emotions through pen and paper. When you practice writing through writing activities, this drastically improves your English writing skills for the reason that I believe in a saying that says, “Practice makes perfect”.

I hope that you will enjoy what I have prepared for you. :)

~Respectively yours, englcomC39tamura <3

Thursday, December 17, 2009

“Cause and Effect Essay: Causes of Obesity in Children”

Obesity is known as the event of having an excessively high amount of body fat or adipose tissue in relation to body mass. (NRC, n.d.; Stunkard, n.d.) Individuals with a Body Mass Index of 30 or more are said to be obese because BMI is a common measure of expressing the relationship of weight-to-height. BMI is also a mathematical formula in which a person’s body weight in kilograms (Kg.) is divided by the square of the individual’s height in meters. (NRC, 2008) Obesity is caused by the following factors: dietary habits, physical inactivity, and depression along with other emotional problems.

One of the main causes of obesity in children is the children’s dietary habits. Nowadays, children tend to prefer consuming fast food meals, junk foods and drinks containing a lot of sugar rather than eating healthy and hearty meals. These kinds of food tend to be high in fat and calories and also low in other nutrients that cause children to gain extra pounds. According to Ferry, Jr. (2009), eating when not hungry, watching T.V or doing homework while eating are patterns and behaviors of children that is associated with obesity.

Another reason behind obesity in children is their physical inactivity. Children today are slowly translating to a very sedentary lifestyle due to the increasing popularity of T.V watching, computer browsing as well as playing video games. Children spend more time in watching T.V, which encourages more snacking than engaging in regular physical exercise. There are limited Physical Education classes in school nowadays and busy parents, who fear about their children’s safety, hinder their children from participating in school activities and engage in sports. (Ferry, Jr., 2009)

The last cause of obesity in children is depression along with other emotional problems. Depression can make a person eat to ease the pain they are feeling, causes a person to stay indoors and refrain from engaging in physical sports or even converse with other individuals. People with emotional problems tend to be pressured by their friends, family or other external forces. This limits a person’s capabilities and mood to exercise.

Due to these causes – dietary habits, physical inactivity and depression along with other emotional problems – occurrence of obesity in children is greatly increasing. However, there are ways to manage obesity in children. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2008), parents of children at risk can start a weight-management program, and change eating habits such as eating slowly or developing a routine of consumption. Parents can also plain meals and make better food selection, control portions and make children consume less calories. They can also encourage children to increase their physical activity by walking or engaging in sports. There are just some ways to manage obesity; however, constant practice of these simple ways can prevent children from being part of the population of obese citizens.

Reference List:

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (May 2008). Facts for Families: Obesity in Children. Retrieved November 23, 2009 from

Ferry, R. (n.d.). Obesity in Children Causes. Retrieved November 23, 2009 from


  1. Cause and Effect essays are somewhat similar to Comparison and Contrast Essays because you tend to explain further about the topic, although it focuses on the causes and effects of a certain event or activity. Since I am, to a certain extent, aware and carry out what I have learned so far in ENGLCOM, I am able to organize well-thought of essay topic outlines as well as the content of the body itself. Similar to the Comparison and Contrast Essay, I am satisfied with what I wrote because believe I have explained this topic very well and followed all guidelines for gaining an effective result in my work.

  2. How do you begin a cause and effect essay? Begin with your thesis statement. It should state the event, phenomenon, or trend that you want to explore in your essay. All of the other paragraphs should begin with topic sentences that explore one of the cause and effect aspects. There needs to be a clear relationship between the effects and the causes of the topic you choose. Steps to follow:
    • List down possible effects and causes related to your topic.
    • Create a stunning outline
    • Compose the introduction
    • Make strong arguments
    • Make your thesis clear
    • Sum it up
    • Organize your essay

  3. Consumption of sugar and salt both are responsible for obesity. Most people don't know the fact that consuming too much salt can also make them overweight.

    Mantis Hugo
    Organic Noni Juice
